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    Geography of food and agriculture.

    I study the processes reshaping food networks as a postdoctoral researcher in Kyoto University's Graduate School of Agriculture. My dissertation explores chicken meat in Japan. I look at the tension between industrial and alternative meat as well as the impact of cultural practices like eating chicken sashimi (raw chicken) and microbiological agents like avian influenza. While the drumbeat of global warming and corporate consolidation are global in reach, my research explores the friction through which global connections alight in situated places, generating sparks and unpredictable responses.

  • Peer-Reviewed Publications

    Schrager, B. 2024. Navigating Precarious Foodscapes: Discourses and Everyday Practices of Eating Chicken Meat in Japan. Food, Culture & Society, January, 1–20. https://doi.org/10.1080/15528014.2023.2301636.


    Barnes, C., and B. Schrager. 2024. “Precarious Foodscapes: Life, Caring, Digitization, and Labor in the Face of Deepening Food Crises.” Food, Culture & Society, (Onlinefirst) pp.1–13. https://doi.org/10.1080/15528014.2024.2306432.

    Schrager, B. and Kondo, C. 2023. A critical agrarian approach to food crises: Social distance as a specific food crisis arising from the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space.SAGE. (online first) DOI: 10.1177/25148486231194835

    Schrager, B. 2024. "The vice of biosecurity: Tightening restrictions on life to counter avian influenza in Japan." Territory, Politics, Governance, 12 (3) pp.358-373. https://doi.org/10.1080/21622671.2021.1993986.

    Schrager, B., Ikeda, H., and Yukitsugu, T. 2023. Successes and challenges of auniversity-based agroecological community garden and educational program in Japan. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 12(4),pp. 1-15. https://doi.org/10.5304/jafscd.2023.124.011

    Schrager, B. 2023. The Influence of the Spread of Broiler Chicken on Chicken Consumption andCuisine: Considering the Impacts at the National and Prefectural Scales. RekishiChiri-gaku 65 (1), pp. 61-70 (Japanese language).
    シュレーガベンジャミン. 2023.ブロイラーの普及が鶏肉の消費量と料理法に与えた影響―国と都道府県のスケールでの検討―. 歴史地理学, 65 (1), pp. 61-70.

    Schrager, B. 2021. “Risky but Raw: On (Not) Regulating One of the Most High-Risk Dishes in Japan.” Gastronomica 21 (3): 32–44. https://doi.org/10.1525/gfc.2021.21.3.32.

    Schrager, B. 2021. “Local Food beyond Fixed Scales and Values: The Scalar Politics of Japan’s Jidori Chicken Mosaics.” Journal of Rural Studies. 81 (January) pp.116-126. doi: 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2020.08.056.

    Schrager, B. 2021. “The Geography of the US’s Mishandling of COVID-19: A Commentary on the Politics of Science in Democracies.” The Geographical Journal. 187 (1) pp. 51-56 . doi: 10.1111/geoj.12363

    Schrager, B. 2020. Using YouTube to share a collaborative ethnography project on artisan chicken in Japan. cultural geographies, 27 (4) pp. 671-677. DOI: 10.1177/1474474020909466

    Schrager, B. 2018. Different conceptions of Place: Alternative food networks and everyday meals. Geoforum. 9, pp. 21-24. DOI: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2018.07.001

    Schrager, B. and Suryanata, K. 2018. Seeds of Accumulation: Molecular Breeding and The Seed Corn Industry in Hawai‘i. Journal of Agrarian Change. 18 (2), pp. 370-384. DOI: 10.1111/joac.12207

    Schrager, B. 2018. The Internationalization and the Industrialization of Chicken Husbandry in Japan in the 20th Century. Japanese Studies. [Forthcoming] 38 (2). DOI: 10.1080/10371397.2018.1477477

    Schrager, B. 2017. A Dialogic Approach to Alien Films. Association of Pacific Coast Geographers Yearbook. 79, pp. 153-167. DOI: 10.1353/pcg.2017.0008

    Peer-Reviewed Book Chapter

    Schrager, B. and Suryanata, K. 2016. Seeds of contestation: The emergence of Hawai`i’s seed corn industry. In A. Kimura and K. Suryanata (eds) Food and Power: Visions for Food Democracy in Hawaii. Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press, pp. 138-155.


    Schrager, B. (2020) The Relationship Between Food Production and Cuisine in Japan: Focusing on Chicken meat in Miyazaki. Chiri. 65 (4), pp.30-37 (Japanese language).
    シュレーガベンジャミン. (2020). 日本の料理と生産の関係性:宮崎の鶏肉を中心に. 地理,65 (4), pp. 30–37.

  • Contact by e-mail at

    benjamin[at mark]cc.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp

    Below are links to other sites for my research

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    Google Scholar

  • Other

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    How Hawaii Fits Into The Changing World Of Seed Corn Production

    Researching Corn in Iowa and Beyond published in Rootstalk (Grinnell College affiliated press) 2023 Spring

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    Jidori and the Chicken Industry in Japan

    Japan Station podcast published April 1, 2020.

    Miyazaki Jitokko Series

    I created a collaborative video blog series on Miyazaki Jitokko, a brand of artisan chicken from Miyazaki prefecture, Japan.

    View on Youtube here

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    How Hawaii Fits Into The Changing World Of Seed Corn Production

    Piece published in Civil Beat on October 12, 2017.